Reflecting on Peace and Possibility
Tours of Vision and the students and teachers at Palmyra-Macedon HS celebrate the message of LOVE
Bernard Stolmann, ESP Records, about the Love Billboard
I wasn’t able to be present for the entire duration of its display, but I did manage to spend some time conducting video-interviews with individuals in front of and around the billboard. Most people were unaware of the billboard’s purpose, but upon learning that it was an art project, many connected its symbolism to peace. There was no explicit suggestion from my end to replicate the idea; rather, I hoped it would evoke an inner desire for peace within them, prompting corresponding actions. I believed there was a possibility, though the stakes were undeniably high.
During this time, I was introduced to Alvenia Bridges, who resides nearby. A former model, she had close ties to the Rolling Stones and was friends with Jimmy Hendrix. She expressed interest in bringing the story to Rolling Stone magazine but sought clarity on the project’s future direction beforehand. However, lacking a concrete plan from my side regarding how to proceed further rendered the story irrelevant for the magazine. And that was the end of it.
Searching for Direction: Exploring Paths to Peace
I pondered over what could serve as a clear goal… To advocate for a peaceful world, to aid, to inspire, to… Whatever idea I entertained, it never seemed quite right; perhaps too grand, too vague, too nebulous. For some, peace equates to war. Thus, it must be unequivocally stated that it’s about non-violence. One message that resonated with me was «Don’t resort to violence in times of crisis.» When chaos reigns, and people perceive only adversaries, perhaps this is the most crucial message to remember. Whatever one’s beliefs, refrain from violence. Stay calm, reconsider, strive not to exacerbate the problem.
I realized that defining peace isn’t as straightforward as we may assume. Even what’s outlined on the ABOUT page wasn’t articulated as clearly during the project’s inception. It’s the culmination of numerous reflections afterward.
Synchronicity and Continuation: Discoveries Beyond the Billboard
During this journey, I was contacted by Harold W. Becker, who coincidentally established Global Love Day on the very day of our opening. He has continued this tradition annually on May 1st. You can learn more about his project here. It shares a similar concept but differs somewhat in execution.
Mary Martin about the Love Billboard