Thank YouEnglish Version of the original website
Design Spinner: Debbie Maghonie
Komposition and production of the lovesong: Larry Edoff,
Agent for the Billboard: Michael Arnold
Thank you Roberto Marmamba for brainstorming with me and having an open ear for this project. Andrea Huber for inspiring the idea of the 99 Baloons. Sacha Zbinden for coming with me to New York. Kuno Fischer, Sacha, Roberto for brainstorming with me right before the first try. Thank you to all the people who I didn’t meantion here but helped me to get this going.
1. May
Michael Case Kissel for helping to gather the red ballons in his studio and then helping to give them out to the people. Debbie Maghonie, Larry Edoff, Charles Blass for also beeing there and helping to deliver the balloons to the people. Also thank you to the sponsors who where there to help out. For Adrian Müller taking the photos:
Sponsors Billboard
Thank you for the sponsors on the Billboard.
Thank you to Christoph Reichmuth from the Luzerner Zeitung to write about it
Thank you to to come by and write about it
Thank you to the Scarlsdays News
Thank you Timbuktu Postcards in Luzern to print them out for free
Thank you for the people who donated money to the project:
From 24th March 2003 until 12th October 2003 a total of Fr. 2950.- was raised in Europe. 4000U$ where given by the Sponsors on the Billboard. The rest was paid by the artist himself.
Fam. Appoldt, Ebikon | 750.- |
Andrea Helfenstein und Hans Kopp, Ebikon | 100.- |
Fam. Meifert, Bielefeld, Deutschland | 150.- |
…et al. Oekologie Support, Luzern | 100.- |
Manuela Moll und Alexander Breisach, Freiburg, Deutschland | 100.- |
Fam. Moll, Freiburg, Deutschland | 175.- |
Daniel Röttele, Zürich | 300.- |
Andrea und Erich Büttler, Ebikon | 100.- |
Fam. Knobloch, Freising, Deutschland | 225.- |
Judith Estermann, Luzern | 100.- |
Anonyme Spenden | 250.- |
Michelle Doerrer | 100.- |
Eva Gattiker | 100.- |
Brigitte Häfliger | 100.- |
Heinz Hrovat | 100.- |
Christoph und Vrene Noger-Dubacher | 100.- |