
Unveiling Love: From Concept to Conception in the Shadows of Tragedy

Over the years, the con­cept of a glob­al love project lin­gered in my thoughts. Yet, even in its sim­plic­i­ty, it appeared daunt­ing­ly com­plex to man­i­fest. Could such a project spi­ral out of con­trol? Did we tru­ly require some­one to prompt us to advo­cate for love open­ly? I could­n’t shake the feel­ing of increduli­ty, but nonethe­less, I jour­neyed to New York to cap­ture images of Times Square. I cre­at­ed visu­als to envi­sion its poten­tial, engaged in dis­cus­sions with oth­ers, and began out­lin­ing a plan to bring it to fruition.

Then came 9/11, a piv­otal moment that altered our col­lec­tive tra­jec­to­ry. We sensed that our world would nev­er be the same again. Soon after the tragedy, the US gov­ern­ment iden­ti­fied Iraq as part of the «axis of evil,» esca­lat­ing pres­sure on the nation in the sub­se­quent year. War seemed immi­nent. Per­haps it was pre­cise­ly the moment to evoke the dor­mant desire for glob­al love and peace, to reignite the inno­cence of our child­hood aspi­ra­tions for peace.

Image above: Visu­al­i­sa­tion of Times Square coverd with Man­dalas, as a sym­bol for mul­ti­c­ul­tre (Foto:????)

Free Visu­al­i­sa­tion of Times Square with the words «I love you»