
Quest for Peace: Navigating Times Square

Dur­ing the sum­mer of 2002, I began devot­ing more time to the project. My free­lance job at the time pro­vid­ed me with the means to save some mon­ey, allow­ing me to oper­ate on a mod­est bud­get. With this in mind, I trav­eled to New York to explore avail­able loca­tions in Times Square that were with­in my finan­cial reach. Through a friend’s refer­ral, I con­nect­ed with an agent who swift­ly arranged for a bill­board in Times Square on short notice. This arrange­ment suit­ed me per­fect­ly, as I pre­ferred not to set a spe­cif­ic date and instead await­ed the oppor­tune moment to gar­ner max­i­mum press attention—ideally just before the out­break of a poten­tial war.

Fur­ther­more, I uti­lized my time in New York to con­duct video inter­views with indi­vid­u­als cho­sen at ran­dom, seek­ing their per­spec­tives on the con­cept of peace.

See more Inter­views here

Inter­view with Mike Kissel, Music Pro­duc­er, NYC (1949 — 2009)

With a for­mu­lat­ed con­cept in hand, I sought assis­tance from the Lucerne Col­lege of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Pro­fes­sor Schwarz and her stu­dents col­lab­o­rat­ed with me to devel­op a con­cept for the project’s web­site and sug­gest­ed ways to enhance it.

Although was the non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion ini­tial­ly back­ing the project, its involve­ment through­out the process was min­i­mal. As a result, the only ves­tige remain­ing now is the domain name.