6: The Opening

99 Red Bal­loons for World Love in Times Square

At the end of the video you see the pho­tog­ra­pher Adri­an Müller tak­ing the pic­ture below.

So it hap­pend that the project took place on May 1st 2003. We had our great open­ing on Times Square with 99 red Bal­loons, Love­post­cards, and a giant Bill­board. The 99 Bal­lons where dis­trib­ut­ed to peo­ple on the street with the wish, that they would write a love mes­sage and then let it fly togeth­er into the Man­hat­tan Sky. At the end it worked with a small group, most peo­ple where to busy wait­ing, and thats what you see in the video…

In a way this LOVE in Times Square was also sym­bol­icly put into the hurt­ing heart of this city to give it some heal­ing pow­er after 9/11.  

At the same time George W. Bush announced mis­sion accom­plished on a big destroy­er some­where in the ocean. What a fun­ny coin­ci­dence. While I had to post­pone my mis­sion to this date, he all­ready accom­plished his.

The only resso­nance we got that day, was a reporter from swissinfo.org who did a sto­ry online and lat­er on we got a full­page in the Scarls­days News, because Lar­ry was teach­ing in that city. The New York Times didn’t see an impor­tance to write about it, and even the local news­pa­per in my home­town lucerne didn’t write about it until a half year lat­er. Well, the tim­ing was off…

For me it was still an sucess. I made it hap­pen, con­cered my per­son­al fears, and turned parts of my idea into real­i­ty, that made me proud. It did­nt reach the world, this expec­ta­tions was not met, but it still reached a lot of peo­ple, and if not a mes­sage of peace was recieved, than for shure it was pro­fen that one per­son (with help from its friends) can chal­lenge him­self and go pret­ty far with his wish for love and peace.

The Images below are most­ly from Adri­an Müller.